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Universal Heating and Cooling Electronic Thermostat

Label: G-203-P07

G-203-P07 is the two channels thermostat built over four relays. Each channel can control separately cooling, heating or simultaneously heating and cooling.

Depending on ones needs, there is a chance to connect one or two temperature sensors and digital input O/I.

In the controller there is a possibility to define function of every output. Thanks to this feature the device is very easy to suit depending on its application.

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Universal Heating and Cooling Electronic Thermostat

Label: G-203-P10

G-203-P10 is the one channel thermostat of whom every one can cool, heat or can be used as the heating and cooling thermostat.

Measurement of high ranges of the temperature is the main feature of this thermostat. G-203-P10 has three outputs making direct connection of devices working under 230V voltage possible.

It has the chance to define functions of every output. Thanks to this feature it is very easy to suit depending on ones needs.

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Universal Heating and Cooling Electronic Thermostat

Label: GHC201.07

GHC201.07 is the electronic heating and cooling thermostat with one relay and one or two temperature sensors. On the basis of one sensors it can control cooling or heating, while the second sensor act as a thermometer.

In the controller it is possible to define the relay function depending on needs of its use. The controller can be used for instance: where one need to turn one heater on, as well as  where one need to control heating and cooling independently.

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Universal Heating and Cooling Electronic Thermostat

Label: GHC201.08

GHC201.08 is the two channels thermostat. It has two relays and two temperature sensors. Each channel can control separately cooling, heating or simultaneously heating and cooling.

In the controller there is possibility to define function of each output. Thanks to this feeature the device is very easy to suit depending on its application. The controller can be used for instance: where one need to turn one heater on, as well as, where one need to control heating and cooling independantly or where one need to control only cooling.

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P.P.U.H. Geco Sp. z o.o.

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